onsdag 26 november 2008
Mad as a (fur)hatter!
tisdag 25 november 2008
You can cheat - but then you never really win
...and revealing the winner: Jeanette!
I promise you this is not a set-up in order for me to save the postage! Jeanette lives in the same town - across the park, we've never met IRL. But that will change now - or shall I put in your mailbox?? I'm so happy you all joined in and I wish I could send each one of you a little gift. Take my affection and rest assured that you mean so much to me - it's surreal!
fredag 14 november 2008
Another give-away...
Besök bloggen Livet på landet i Drefseryd där kan du vinna ett mjukt, härligt lammskinn från gårdsbutiken i Drefseryd.
måndag 10 november 2008
Spinning 24-7! NB - includes an unbelieveable give-away!
A few days ago, Jeanette from Handmade innocently asked me if I can spin, innocently because she just wanted to know and because she didn't know what she was starting. I answered - yes, I can spin. And started spinnning. And have been spinning ever since.
...which is why I'm giving away a little skein of 28 grams handspun yarn in an exuberant emerald green, named by yours truly to Unstoppable Irish Green. It's not much but it's handmade by your own helylle blogger, it can be used for trimming a pair of mittens or something like that.
This is a test before the real 100th-post-give-away that's coming up extremely soon! All you do is comment and I'll draw a winner next Saturday!