lördag 7 mars 2009

Supernatural powers (you'll need them with a sick husband..)

I'm alone tonight. Not really, little Olle is watching the children's show on TV, Mr Helylle is upstairs with a near-death experience ( a little temperature and a cold) and the girls are at their dad's. In the old days this used to mean that I read a book and had supper. Nowadays it means I'm sitting in front of the computer and checking out interesting things, people, items and blogs. And devouring beans, leek and chicken.

This sloppy behaviour lead me here.
I'm the Flying Philantropist. And merciful too. Which are your hidden powers?? Check it out!

I'm also the Fearless Cutter of Hair. I served my family ice cream at noon (combine a man and a cold and you'll need special arrangemnets...) and while they were gobbling I went to the bathroom and grabbed the scissors. I don't know why, but I HATE going to the hairdresser's. And since you only see the front you may think I don't have to...

7 kommentarer:

LiLi M. sa...

Thanks for letting us know the superhero site. I was sitting with my son. So that was fun. I wanted the shopping bag too as my weapon but of course I ended up with the biggest gun! Boys! Have a nice Sunday!

Mary sa...

You do so well with your scissors.

And still laughing at Mr H.

Anonym sa...

I wish you could cut my hair! I haven't had a good cut in ages!

Anonym sa...

Så fin du blev! Jag har turen att ha en jättebra frisör - hon klipper bra och är lätt att prata med, inget konstlat. Tänker på Audrey Hepburn när jag ser bilden på dig!

Anonym sa...

Nu är jag också en hero...

teresa sa...

Vilken fin bild o vad fin du blev!
Skrattade nästan ihjäl mig åt nära-döden-upplevelsen - herr Bohussticka är precis likadan när han känner sig en gnutta förkyld.. Dessa män!

Paige sa...

You are FEARLESS! I can chop away at my bangs, but that's it. I'd make myself look like a martian, I'm sure of it. You, on the other hand, look totally fab. (!)