I understand that colors are a tricky business. I often get comments (IRL) that I wear colors. Women (98%) sometimes sound a bit accusing but more often slightly envious. And as a rule assume that I combine my clothing to get attention.
This post is a result of what a woman I met through work today, said to me.
"You certainly want to get noticed, don't you. I guess if I got up half an hour earlier I could get attention too."
I was quiet. L'esprit d'escalier, if you like. This is a nice person that I trusted but obviously she thinks I'm shallow and and a show-off. I'm still wondering what I should've said.
9 kommentarer:
JAg gillar ju färg och gissa vad?
Jag har just nu på mig lika strumpbyxor som du och en sådan slipover har jag haft i min garderob, men rensat ut...
Och jag besöker färgglada bloggar för att jag får en sådant lyckorus av det.
Jag orkar inte läsa om elände och titta på vita hem (även om de är smakfulla och charmiga). Jag vill se glädje, jordnära vardagsmänniskor, galenskap och värme. Det får jag hos dig, hos Maria och några andra bloggare.
This post reminds me of something my mother used to tell us (my brother and I were always arguing and making horrible remarks to each other, but I never got used to it)
'It's so easy to take the crown of somebody's head, your effort should be putting it on, that's something all parties will enjoy.'
I think you did the best thing you could do, standing above such an ugly remark. It was wise to keep silent.
I think it's awesome that you love to wear color, and I only perceive it as an extension of who you are, a lovely and colorful woman. I agree with LiLi; say nothing, and keep on wearing whatever pleases you. xo.
I'm agreeing with Lili and Paige -- there's nothing you could have said, really. And I think it's awesome, too, and I think colors are cheerful. (And I love your tights, and your vest!)
"How odd. I never once thought about colours in that way. I just wear what makes me happy."
Say that politely, than pass her on to me and I'll pull her hair out and scratch out her eyes. Ahem....sorry...got carried away for a moment there...
Where was I? Ah, yes, look....I think the silent and perhaps somewhat confused stare is always the best. She is obviously bitter and unhappy and has chosen the brightest target to pick on. Perhaps she is just having a very bad day.
Oh, and thank you so much for introducing me to that French phrase, I had never heard it before so I googled it and now I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!!
P.S. Ever since I "met" you I have been much more experimental with the colours of my wardrobe and it has given me nothing but pure PLEASURE.
Det var den bittraste kommentar jag hört på länge!! Har just insett att jag har alldeles för mycket svarta, beiga och grå kläder - varför?? När färg gör en så glad? Fortsätt att klä dig i färg, tror absolut det piggar upp de flesta (undantaget avundsjuka, bittra tanter, men dem kommer man väl aldrig undan) You go women!
Because of your blog, when I window-shop, I find myself admiring the bright colors precisely because they're bright and thinking to myself, "I bet Anna would LOVE that color and she would wear it so well!" Then I challenge myself to find something to pair it with, Anna Style.
One of these days I'll be able to actually afford to BUY some colorful clothes.
(I don't comment often, but I read all your posts!)
Anna - there have been days when I would have sunk into the lowest low if it was not for you and your glorious singing colours.
I myself can only thank you..
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