What is style? This is a style blog or at least a styling experience. To me style is to be open and not think so much of whatis trendy. Everybody's got style even when it's not stylish. My new home sewn dotted top, black suspenders dress with black boots that I'll only ever wear on photos because my feet are different size and the right one is half a size too small, is that style? Judge for yourselves, but I don't need to know your verdict. Style is also about not seeking confirmation, isn't it...?
onsdag 17 september 2008
What is style? This is a style blog or at least a styling experience. To me style is to be open and not think so much of whatis trendy. Everybody's got style even when it's not stylish. My new home sewn dotted top, black suspenders dress with black boots that I'll only ever wear on photos because my feet are different size and the right one is half a size too small, is that style? Judge for yourselves, but I don't need to know your verdict. Style is also about not seeking confirmation, isn't it...?
måndag 15 september 2008
Back in business
Yes, friends, I've been making stuff after a long time of not doing anything at all. I made a tote and a little purse from a waxed table cloth from Marimekko that I got from my mum.
lördag 13 september 2008
Mussels and tomatoes - and a little hair.
I've read the advice you've given - exactly the same objections and reasoning I keep myself... Thanks for your good will. At least I haven't cut it today as you can see. Mostly I think it's about the energy and charm of novelty that a change brings. After a few weeks it's old again and then I know I will have second thoughts. This I know and still I wonder if everything wouldn't be terribly different if I cut my hair.
torsdag 11 september 2008
söndag 7 september 2008
Uppåt väggarna.
torsdag 4 september 2008
I den gula skålen ligger en av flera solrosor som knäckts i de hårda vindar som varit den sista tiden. Synd, för vi har aldrig haft så höga solrosor tidigare. Antagligen därför de inte knäckts tidigare? I lördags köpte vi 4 hg te av olika slag. Vi är fyra flickor som älskar te och det märks på åtgången - 150 g är redan slut... Vad blir det, sex dagar? Fast det är faktiskt inte mer än ynka 37.5 g per person! Det kan väl aldrig stämma - det låter pyttelite. Och bara 9.4 g per dag!
In the yellow bowl is one of many sunflowers that was broken by the hard winds we've had lately. A pity, because we haven't had any so tall (high?) before. Which is probably why they didn't break before? Last Saturday we bought 400g of various teas. We are four girls who love tea and it shows by the consumption - we're down 150 g already... That's in six days. Though it isn't more than a lousy 37.5 g a person! It can't be - it sounds itsy bitsy little. And only 9.4 g a day!
Och i den här skålen ligger det plommon. Det är skördetid. Jag skulle kunna äta plommon tills jag föll av stolen. Jag tror de här heter Viktoria?
And in this bowl we have plums. It's harvest time. I could eat plums till I fell off the chair. I think these are called Viktoria?
P.S. This is my 80th post, 100 is getting closer... How to celebrate? Think, think, think.... Detta är mitt 80e inlägg, det hundrade närmar sig....Hur att fira? Tänk, tänk, tänk...
måndag 1 september 2008
One good thing with working is that it's good to come home and change from working clothes to relax/cuddle up clothes. One bad thing is that the pile of worn out, washed-to-pieces clothes that can be used only at home grows out of control...