What is style? This is a style blog or at least a styling experience. To me style is to be open and not think so much of whatis trendy. Everybody's got style even when it's not stylish. My new home sewn dotted top, black suspenders dress with black boots that I'll only ever wear on photos because my feet are different size and the right one is half a size too small, is that style? Judge for yourselves, but I don't need to know your verdict. Style is also about not seeking confirmation, isn't it...?
onsdag 17 september 2008
What is style? This is a style blog or at least a styling experience. To me style is to be open and not think so much of whatis trendy. Everybody's got style even when it's not stylish. My new home sewn dotted top, black suspenders dress with black boots that I'll only ever wear on photos because my feet are different size and the right one is half a size too small, is that style? Judge for yourselves, but I don't need to know your verdict. Style is also about not seeking confirmation, isn't it...?
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21 kommentarer:
I do believe style is all about self confidence - if you are confident about what you are wearing /done in your house/ etc then it shows and is stylish!
(PS actually I think you look terrific!)
Though I'm sure you are not looking for confirmation it is still good to hear that you look fab in that suspenders dress! I want one too!
I always call shoes (might be boots too) that are only fit for taking photo's my television shoes. I wear them while I watch tv (even that is a lie, but no one will notice that!).
Ja du vad är stil? Jag tycker du har stil. Och är stilig! Är det samma sak? Att ha stil och vara stilig? Hm! Tål att funderas över. Vet att du inte ville ha bekräftelse men nu fick du det i alla fall. He, he!
Och JA, jag tror att stil uteslutande beror på självförtroende och trygghet i sig själv. Du kan ha hur trendiga och "inne" kläder som helst och ändå se helt fel ut eftersom det syns så tydligt att du försökt för mycket och att nått skaver....
Trevlig helg
I like your style, girl!!
What Maria said, with emphasis, and love!!
Jag tror att när man blint följer trender då känner man sig osäker på sig själv.
För mig är det läskigt att tvinga mig i trendiga kläder för att följa strömmen och inte avvika.
Finaste stilen!!! Men hu gör du när du köper skor, är inte det svårt?
Synd på stövlarna, för de är SÅ snygga...
När man vågar klä sig personligt och lyckas hitta kläder som andra inte genast ser vilket märke det är;o)
Hej Anna!
Faktiskt kom maken hem med några presenter som han köpt i sista sekund. Brukar inte vara så många presenter när han varit borta...
Det randiga ylletyget är en tröja som jag filtade i tvättmaskinen och sedan sydde en väska av.
You are so super stylish none of us need to tell you - but we want to anyway.
My dad always says that being cool is when you don't have to say you're cool, you just are. And if you have to talk about, then you mustn't be cool - but of course he always says it with a half smile. Cause we all know my dad is cool, and of course we all tell him, and he tells us too.
Bit like being stylish, no?
Have you ever thought about putting your photos together as a book. That would sure be a how to on style. And a fun read as well, with lots of colour and pattern.
Gosh I miss you.
I think style is about confirmation and conformation - hence all the fashion magazines and designers telling the legions of the faithful what to wear when. But I think when you march to a different (helylle) fashion drummer, you don't need confirmation because things like comfort or color might be the guiding principals. But if you aren't sporting the season's latest trends or the item of the moment, you do need some confirmation form other like-minded individuals. I love the combination. And boy do I have shoes like those boots. Yeowch Anna!
Du är utmanad!
Kram / Mona
Missing you, hope all is well.
Just dropping by to say hello and see your smiling face. It always cheers me up.
Love to you and yours.
Eleanor xxxx
You are dripping with style!
Tillmotesgaende - what a great word! Looks and sounds so much more fun than "accommodating".
Gosh it's good to have you in my library!
Hur går de med håret, jag är nära att boka tid att klippa mej nu , hoppas jag kan stå emot så jag får en rejäl knut i nacken.
Må så gott på dej.
Hello my friend - just hoping that everything is OK!
Visst sjal funkar, kanske ska jag sticka mej en mössa och ha över eländet =).
*Ha de bra på dej.
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