onsdag 31 december 2008
lördag 27 december 2008
Christmas - can't live with it...
Yesterday morning started like every morning since Christmas Eve when Olle tore the wrapping off his hockey game - with a very serious tornament.
For the first time in a long while we had to clear the windows of ice before driving off. It was a wonderful day, clear and crisp, perfect for a walk in the forest.
Don't you just love things like this?
Someone has put these apples in the middle of the forest, off the path, for birds, and perhaps deers, to eat. So delightful and loving!
Here's a story to learn from.
My plan was to give Mr Helylle a cup of sour dough, a recipe and this lovely Pyrex bowl for Christmas. (And another home made sweater.) We try to make our bread ourselves as we both enjoy baking.
I fixed the dough from a friend some days before Christmas Eve, we put it in a green glass cup which I hid in the garage to keep it cold so it wouldn't start fermenting. Problem was, we; my friend and I, had been drinking wine and having a good time so when I got home I wasn't completely my ordinary sober self. Therefore the hiding process wasn't executed in the best of ways.
Two days later when standing in a shop looking for a gift for someone Mr Helylle suddenly pointed a green cup and proclaimed loudly:
"There's a cup just like that in our garage with some sludge in, what is that??"
Here a more collect person would come up with a plausible explanation, turn around and say: "What about this vase?" What did I do? I blushed, became mute and started crying. Yes, I did.
It took a while to sort out why I hid it so poorly ("So it's my fault that you search the garage three days before Christmas??") and why he couldn't understand it was a present ("I didn't expect to get sludge").
The sludge spent Christmas Eve in the dark and quiet garage but is now performing it's task quite admirably in the kitchen.
It's a lovely bowl, isn't it?
What to learn? You tell me.
torsdag 25 december 2008
God jul!
A tea drinker's dream, ot at least so I thought. A bit disappointing, though, lame taste but nice aroma.
söndag 14 december 2008
A zoological, antropologistic and sex liberal approach to home decorations and Christmas
lördag 13 december 2008
Happiness is a new soap
I have also received another early Christmas present, a set of lovely marzipan fruits. Why I can't show you any photos? Well, ehh, for some reason this lousy camera of mine refuses to take any gastroscopic pictures worth showing...
Thank you, Sara!
torsdag 11 december 2008
From the angle of my angel
måndag 8 december 2008
A winner in a crowd!

Guess what?? I have won my first blog-give-away! I'm receiving a Christmas soap from Lush anyday thanks to the generous Soffy. I'm so happy - and the bathroom is coming along nicely so I'll put in there!

lördag 6 december 2008
Making a traditional smällkaramell - cracker
fredag 5 december 2008
Friday evening - peace to all.
torsdag 4 december 2008
This a close-up of the brooch I'm wearing. I made it of a badge from a memory game and a pin. To me it's a Christmas tree ball but I guess there could be other interpretations. Anyway, you can see I'm a little less mad and more pleased with the outcome of my trial-and-error approach!
My kitchen window the other morning. I'm wishing for a new camera this Christmas. Not only from Santa but from pretty much anyone who asks.
onsdag 3 december 2008
The concept of western masculinity or If you knit you also love folk music...?
I've started on a knitting calender (why?? do I think the darkness of the evening hours will make them longer??) I found here. It looks weird but interesting. Sorry. I lied. I haven't really started but as soon as I finish here I will go and find some suitable yarn.
Yes, I'm having a day off. What do I do? Do I vacuum, polish floors, do the windows, bake a cake for my loved one? No.
I quote (one of) my (three) teenage daughter(s): I don't do domestic chores.
Not today, anyway.
If your first grade teacher had been a dog...
* Always let the feeling of fresh air and wind against your face be a good enough reason for ecstatic happiness.
* Don't bite if it's enough to growl.
* Let others know it if they trespass your territory.
* Take a nap now and then, and always stretch good before you get up.
* Enjoy all the attention you get, don't be afraid of other peoples touch.
* Enjoy the simple pleasure of a walk.
* Be loyal.
* Never pretend to be someone you are not.
* If something you want is buried, dig until you find it.
This is an assidious practioner of the wisdom listed above, Stoja aged 5 and-a-half. (Stoja is the swedish word (verb) for the the action of someone boisterous - to boister??)
måndag 1 december 2008
I've also finished a little bag in felt and appliqué, with pearls and leather lining. Quite pleased with this one, actually!
By the way, the reason for my absence is that - believe it or not - Mr Helylle poured a beer on the keyboard this past Saturday. Don't pour anything on your keyboards, it kills all the keys.
onsdag 26 november 2008
Mad as a (fur)hatter!
tisdag 25 november 2008
You can cheat - but then you never really win
...and revealing the winner: Jeanette!
I promise you this is not a set-up in order for me to save the postage! Jeanette lives in the same town - across the park, we've never met IRL. But that will change now - or shall I put in your mailbox?? I'm so happy you all joined in and I wish I could send each one of you a little gift. Take my affection and rest assured that you mean so much to me - it's surreal!