tisdag 29 april 2008

Ingen dålig hårdag! - Not a bad hairday!

Jag är ingen fotograf, det är ju uppenbart för var och en, men jag tycker att ambitionen att dela med sig kompenserar en del. Eller? Ibland har jag en klut på huvudet och då säger alla lite medlidande: -Dålig hårdag? Nej, ibland vill jag ändå ha en sjal på huvudet!

I'm no photographer, that's plain to everyone, but I feel that the ambition to share compensates a little. Or? Sometimes I wear a cloth on my head and then everybody says compassionately: -Bad hairday? No, sometimes I just want to wear a patch on my head!

Fråga mig inte hur man gör för det är bara en gång av tre som jag får till det. Don't ask me how to do it because it's only once out of every three times I get it right.

Glad Valborg! Happy Walpurgis night!

4 kommentarer:

Mary sa...

I could never tie a scarf like that - I am bad enough at trying to tie one in some kind of chic way around my neck!

Eleanor sa...

Happy Walpurgis night! Did you have a bonfire?

Your personal style has so inspired me that I dedicated a post to you. I hope you like it.

ellie sa...

I love seeing those little bits of your home - it looks so cosy, and warm and stylish. Lovely to be in. Really a 'home'.
My sister enjoys wearing a little scarf - or patch of fabric - on her head, too. And not just for a bad hair day. I think it looks great. (My husband doesn't like it on me - so I only wear little ribbons tied in my hair!).

Sonya sa...

Even getting it done half the time - that is more than me. Looks great!