Ni undrar nog om vi aldrig byter sängkläder. Jodå, det gör vi visst det, det är bara det att jag föredrar de här gröna så jag försöker torka dem över dagen. Lätt som en plätt så här års när det är torkväder varje dag. Dagen är turkos och idag bestämde jag mig för att inte ta några genvägar. Är det turkost så är det! You probably wonder if we ever change sheets. Oh yes, we do. It's just that I prefer the green ones and try to dry them during the day. Piece of cake this time of year when every day is a good day for drying outside on a line. Today is turquoise and I decided not to take any shortcuts. Turquoise it is!
Moa till höger som hotellinnehavare Inga-Britt. Till vänster dramats mordoffer. Moa to the right as a hotel proprietress. To the left the murder victim of the play.
Här, skrivet med fonetisk skrift - och turkos penna - är uttalet av denna bloggs namn. Here, written in phonetic scripture - and turquoise pen - is the pronounciation of the name of this blog. Especially for you, Eleanor!
5 kommentarer:
Åh...jag fick fundera över dagens sedan fattade jag...turkoser=stenar från turkiet!!
Bara vackra mönster, färger och prylar!!
I love that photo of you with the iced tea. Such a motherly expression on your face.
Sigh...such beautiful clothes, and shoes, and jewellery. Did you make the dress yourself? It is perfect.
My fingers are itching for that ring.
Thank you so much for the phonetics. It makes me smile to think of you writing it just for me. But I have a confession to make...I am not really such a polyglot...and I had to go and look up the phonetic symbols myself. Do you still like me?? hehe.
Also, a huge congratulations to Moa. Acting is a great challenge!
And now I'm off to finish off the week with lavender.
I love your terry cloth dress. But I was a bit disappointed it wasn't very dark beer in your glass! I thought: there's a woman who appreciates good beer!
Maria:listigt, va?
Mary:yeah, I like it too and it was such a good moment.
Eleanor:Anyone who masters language from three different language families is a polyglot and should be admired.
Matroskin:Dress thrifted some years ago - it's slowly falling apert...Confession: I never drink beer. Can't stand the taste of it, nor coffee...
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