tisdag 6 maj 2008

Senapsdrottning avgår! Mustard queen resigns!

Minns ni bordsduken? Nu är den en kjol. I senapsfärgade lappar. Jag kommer att skriva mer om hur det gick till här. I övrigt var det otäckt svårt att hitta senapiga grejer. Jag kan nog inte fortsätta hävda att det är min favoritfärg - mer än i teorin. You remeber the table cloth? Now it's a skirt. Of mustardcoloures patches. I'll write more about that here. Other than that, it was frightfully difficult to find mustardy stuff. I cannot go on claiming it to be my favourite colour - more than in theory.

Ett bokomslag som vi har på sovrumsväggen. A bookcover that hangs on the bedroom wall.

Jag upptäckte idag att Moa, den 12-åriga dottern, har sorterat sina böcker efter färg. Jag tycker att det är ganska senapigt här. I discovered today that Moa, my 12-year old daughter, has placed her books by colour. I think it's pretty mustardy here.

Tapeten i Ylvas rum. The wallpaper in Ylva's room.
Två hemstickade alster, blanda dem till en mellanstark senap. Homeknit stuff, mix them and you'll have a medium mustard.

Det visar sig att Herr Helylle utropat denna vecka till muffinsvecka. I söndags var det muffins med parmesan och örter, jättegott till kvällsmat. I går skulle det bli päron- och mandelmuffins till kvällsteet. Då upptäcker Helyllemannen att det är slut på muffinsformar varpå han häller smeten i en sockerkaksform. Av någon anledning tog det 1 timme och 45 minuter för kakan att bli färdig, men gott blev det! Turns out Mr Helylle has declared this week muffin week. Sunday we had parmesan - and herbal muffins, very tasty for supper. Yesterday we were going to get pear- and almond muffins for evening tea. Then Mr Helylle discovers that we're out of "paper cups" for baking the muffins. He then decidedly pours the mixture in a big cake tin. For some reason it takes the cake 1 hr and 45 min to bake, but it turned out delicious!

I morgon är det ocean som tema. Vad kan det vara? Blå känslor eller kallt vatten?Tomorrow is ocean theme. What can that be? Blue feelings or cold water?

4 kommentarer:

Eleanor sa...

You are too hard on yourself. I demand that Mustard Queen return to the throne. Long live the queen!

I love the little corners of your home! I'm especially taken by the book cover. I went on a plane today, but none of the men wore smart raincoats and hats. They all wore ugly tourist t-shirts and baseball caps!

It looks like you succeeded with the tablecloth skirt. Well done!

Here, I'm back at home, and I find that my daughter has declared it cupcake week. Well, to be honest, every week is cupcake week for my daughter. Icing is her favourite artistic medium. Hehe.

On to ocean.

Eleanor sa...

I'm back. Had to tell you...I just visited Alice at www.magpiefiles.blogspot.com and she posted a picture of a woman wearing a turquoise sari which is STUNNING.

I know, I know, it's not Saturday yet! But I immediately needed to let you know anyway.

I am really going now.

I promise.

Mary sa...

Oh I think you did very well with mustard.

I am looking forward to ocean though I must admit!

Diane Grenkow sa...

Hello! I see that you started with a table cloth and turned it into a skirt! Very nice! I wish that I had done that! (Instead of starting with a nice piece of fabric and trying to turn it into a skirt that now looks like a table cloth...)

; )